Saturday, October 12, 2019

Everything you need to know about SMPS power adapters?

Often whenever electronic devices are working or not working, we will immediately suspect the faulty switch mode power supply. But did you know that faulty or even small components in the motherboard or main board can prevent the power supply from operating? The switch mode power supply or SMPS power adapter is designed so effectively that whenever there is a short circuit on the main board, the power supply shuts off and stops working completely. If you have no experience with troubleshooting switch mode power supply, you may think that there is a problem with the power supply where the main board is the real cause of the power problem.

The switch mode power supply includes the current sense circuit (if you look at the UC3842 PWM IC pin 3, it is called i-sense, which means current) and if there is a short circuit on the secondary side (either a secondary diode or main) Across the board), the current will be increased and this will stop the PWM IC power generation and thus shut off the power supply. All of this happens in seconds and you have no chance of knowing if there is an output voltage on the secondary side. Some of the older designs of the best SMPS Power Supply Manufacturer do not use PWM IC, but whenever it detects a small component on the secondary side, it has a circuit to detect the current draw and switch off.